Star Trek: By The Numbers (TV)
The results of my Trek franchise re-watch over the past few years.
The results of my Trek franchise re-watch over the past few years.
A list of my personal top 25 favorite episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
A list of my personal top 25 favorite episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
A list of my personal favorite 25 TV series from the years 2010 – 2019.
I’ll be updating my 2018 movie list soon to rank my favorite movies of the year, but I figured I’d do a list of my favorite TV shows of the year. I’m ranking these on consideration of the episodes/season that…
This list is my favorite episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer (a contender for my favorite TV series of all time). The order isn’t exact, but at least a decent approximation. Restless SEASON 4 – EPISODE 22 “I wear the…